Two Can Play at That Game

Big Rig Towing was called to the far reaches of Northern Alberta, and contracted Jamie Davis Towing to assist in a touchy recovery.

Near Fort McMurray, on what is commonly referred to as the Highway Thru Hell, this heat exchanger was separated from its rig and ended up in the ditch. The exchanger unit weighs 60,000 pounds and is worth a staggering $1,000,000.00!

It took two large rotators worked in tandem to seamlessly recover this precious cargo without further damage.

After two day of planning, examining and hard work the exchanger was flawlessly loaded onto a trailer and sent back to the manufacturer for repairs.

The expertise of both these companies and operators saved the exchanger from incurring any more damage and saved the happy client thousands more in repair.

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Heavy Extrication Training Symposium

On October 22 & 23, 2016 the Alberta Vehicle Extrication Association instructors hosted heavy extrication training for the members of the Canada Task Force 2.

This 2 day theory and hands on course was designed to allow students to think outside the box, apply their skill and knowledge to real world extrication situations when dealing with large scale truck and trailers, bridge collapse incidents etc.

Assisting in the program was Big Rig Towing.

The students worked hand in hand with the tow operators to carefully extract patients from inside the crushed vehicles in these extremely precarious scenarios.

By the end of the course many students were at the helm working the controls of Big Rig Towing’s heavy wreckers under the watchful eye of the company’s owner Rick Paley

Watch the Video »

Big RIg Heavy Extrication Training Symposium


Without them there would be no freedom

On Friday November 11, 2016 we pay tribute and remember those members
of the armed forces – some who selflessly sacrificed their own precious lives in the
line of duty — who have served their nation in war, in armed conflict, and in the
effort of sustaining world peace.

Past, present and future we salute those who have served and those who continue
to serve at home and overseas. Without them there would be no freedom.

As the saying goes, spring forward, fall back…

Winter is only weeks away and freezing cold nights aren’t the only major change winter brings. Sunrise and sunset will be an hour earlier so that there’s more light in the morning.

Daylight savings time will end with a “fall back” to standard time on
Sunday November 6, at 2 a.m.

“Daylight Savings Time” is a way of making better use of the daylight in the evenings by setting the clocks forward one hour during the longer days of summer, and back again in the fall.

So, don’t forget to turn back your clocks this weekend and enjoy that extra hour of sleep Saturday night!