Flood Damage

Not all towing is confined to broken down or rolled rigs. Sometimes heavy equipment has been damaged and needs the towing power of a big diesel to move it.

Last year’s floods in Calgary not only caused millions of dollars in personal and commercial damage but many vehicles were destroyed as well.

Some of these machines are still in need of rescue and transport a year later.
This earth mover was caught by rising water and suffered catastrophic engine damage.

There is only one way to move something this big.

Big Rig Towing brought in the heavy crane and got it safely stored on this trailer for transport.


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Heavy Load

You know something is heavy when you have to use air bags just to get it moving in the right direction.

This rig had 47,000 lbs. on board when it went over.

Big Rig Towing used airbags and the cranes to get it back on its rubber.

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Rock & Roll

Rock & Roll

Rock & RollLiterally, the hardest thing for any rig operator is to keep the truck on the road once the center of balance gets the least bit off.

This rig carrying a load of rocks got off the pavement just enough to send it into the ditch.

That’s a heavy cleanup and a hard rock way to end the day.


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Tour Break Down

Helping CherMechanical break downs are inevitable. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, rich or poor.

Even if you only have one name, like Cher, a mechanical break down with your vehicle can leave you and you band stranded.

Lucky for Cher Big Rig Towing was handy with the tilt deck to get her to the concert on time.

Your welcome thousands of fans.

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