Credit App Thanks for your interest in Big Rig Towing & Recovery. Please fill out the form below to receive an application for credit. Application For Credit Registered Business Name: * Trade Name: * Street Address * City * Province: PC: Phone # Fax # Email Recipients name Are the Business Premises Owned Rented Landlords Name Phone # Mailing Address (If different from above): City Province PC Phone # Fax GST# In Business Since Principal’s Name Title Please Check One Limited Company Partnership Sole Proprieter Address Phone# Principal’s Name Title Address Phone# Bank Reference: Name Address Bank Phone # Account # Manager Accounts Payable Contact Phone # Email Address Fax # Purchase Orders Required Yes No No Statement Required Yes No Amount of Credit Required $ CREDIT REFERENCES: Name Address Phone # Email Name Address Phone # Email Name Address Phone # Email TERMS AND CONDITIONS All accounts are subject to prior credit approval. All accounts are due and payable by the 20th day of the month following the invoice date. Any and all overdue balances are subject to interest charges at the rate of 2% per month (24% annum). The applicant agrees to pay any and all fees incurred by Big Rig Towing & Recovery Ltd. in collection of the indebtedness of the applicant, including legal fees, disbursements, commissions and any other expenses. I/We authorize Big Rig Towing and Recovery to communicate by email. I/We certify the above information to be true and correct to the best of our knowledge. Applicants’ signature attests financial responsibility, ability and willingness to pay our invoices in accordance with the above terms and acknowledges understanding those terms. Company Name Message * If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit